Business Owners
How We Can Help
One of the biggest misconceptions about personal finance is that making a lot of money inevitably leads to success. Too many business owners fall into this trap, focusing solely on business success while assuming their personal finances will take care of themselves.
We specialize in working with business owners to help them organize and optimize their finances, aligning business and personal interests to propel them toward long term financial success. We're small business experts, well versed in tax & cash management, and can collaborate proactively with professional team.
Optimize Income
We help business owners determine the strategy, the timing, and the numbers when it comes to paying themselves, and supporting their business and personal needs — all with tax efficiency in mind.
Reduce Taxes
Like it or not, we’re all business partners with federal and local governments. We help to minimize your tax burden as much as legally possible.
Invest Prudently
We employ a consistent investment philosophy rooted in data and empirical evidence to help our clients reach optimal investment outcomes.
Comprehensive Financial Planning
We help our clients explore what they want from their life & career, and optimize their resources toward those objectives.
This comprehensive focus helps ensure that your finances are working together, propelling you toward your goals and
that no opportunities to build wealth, pay less in taxes, or reduce risk go overlooked.
We're in the business of helping people reach the best financial destination for them. We do this by employing a consistent process to help understand your goals, values, and aspirations. After review and analysis we provide observations and recommendations to arrange the puzzle pieces in a manner best suited for you and your family.
To deliver the best possible investment outcome we employ a consistent philosophy based on empirical evidence and academic research. We do not experiment. We do not invest based on conjecture or gut feeling. We build custom portfolios based on your unique needs and financial plan, and, if appropriate or important to you, we can include socially responsible or sustainably focused strategies as well.
Knowing when you can retire and exactly how much you might need saved can be daunting questions…and they’re not the only challenges. Determining how you’ll obtain healthcare, how and when to draw from your accounts, and how to structure assets within your estate can become a complex exercise. We can help you devise a plan that gives you peace of mind, optimizes your assets, and sets you and your family up for sustained financial success.
You may have heard that over 80% of businesses never sell — and of the 20% that do, the vast majority sell for less than what the owner thought the business was worth. Our practice is built to help business owners align their business with their personal finances and lifestyle objectives. We can help you prepare to sell your business and confirm that what you keep after taxes will be enough to support your post-transition lifestyle.
Everyone needs to pay their fair share in taxes. But you probably don’t want to leave a tip. Our team can work to help you minimize your tax burden over time. Whether it be via strategic Roth IRA conversions, deferred sales trusts, or harvesting tax losses (or even gains), we can help you optimize your taxes for the long-term.
Ever wonder how large your rainy day fund should be? What about how and when should you be paying yourself from your business? Or how quarterly estimated tax payments come into play? Our team can help you build a repeatable framework for managing cash in your business (as well as your household) that supports your immediate and longer term needs.
401(k) plans, SEP-IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs are low hanging fruit when it comes to saving for retirement and deferring taxable income. But retirement plans have their nuances and unique responsibilities when you offer one. Our team can help you design and operate a retirement plan that fits your business objectives, helps you and your employees save for the future, and provides substantial tax advantages.
Featured Success Stories
Optimizing Cash Flow
Jason's garden products company was successful by most any measure. Revenues and profits were growing, and even though he was reinvesting into new products & expansion initiatives, cash was still accumulating in his business accounts. So why did Jason feel like he was living paycheck to paycheck? He had very little cash in his household bank accounts, felt behind on his retirement and college savings, and even carried a balance on his credit cards. Jason had plenty of cash sitting in the business and was comfortable paying himself more. He needed a plan for taking it out in a tax conscious manner.
Case studies are based on hypothetical situations, not on actual client interactions. The outcomes presented are not a promise or guarantee of similar results as actual client experiences will be unique to each clients' circumstances, as well as their own motivations, effort and discipline.Minimizing Taxes in Retirement
Ray was a partner in a successful real estate firm and was approaching the retirement date specified in his buy/sell agreement. Ray was confident he had plenty of resources to fund a comfortable retirement, but he was very concerned about taxation. He’d accumulated substantial savings in the company 401(k) plan and would trigger income streams from deferred compensation and deferred sales payments once he left. Ray and his wife Charlotte needed help reducing the tax bite, both now and in the future.
Case studies are based on hypothetical situations, not on actual client interactions. The outcomes presented are not a promise or guarantee of similar results as actual client experiences will be unique to each clients' circumstances, as well as their own motivations, effort and discipline.From Burning Out to Chilling Out
Amanda had built her successful veterinary practice from the ground up. It was hard, but she grew the practice to a staff of eight with enough cash flow to afford a very nice lifestyle. But the years had worn on Amanda. Stressors from the business started to layer on top of one another, and she soon realized she was losing the passion she had when she started the business two decades before. As the stress began to impact her health, she knew she needed a change, but didn’t know where to start.
Case studies are based on hypothetical situations, not on actual client interactions. The outcomes presented are not a promise or guarantee of similar results as actual client experiences will be unique to each clients' circumstances, as well as their own motivations, effort and discipline.Get Organized
Worthwhile achievements start with a plan.
Schedule a call today to get started on yours.
Complimentary Download
The Business Owner's Guide to Wealth
We believe good financial guidance should revolve around optimization: doing the very best you can with what you have.
Download a copy of The Business Owner's Guide to Wealth.
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