Should you be concerned that the market’s just made several all-time highs? This question comes up in various forms any time stock markets set new records. As tempting as it is to assume that what goes up must come down, the market doesn’t think that way. We cover this concept in detail in today’s episode, along with Vanguard’s recent 2025 market forecast and an update on how markets have done since the election.
Show Notes
[01:25] Market Update – The new changes in the market after the presidential election in 2024.
[05:00] Article of the Week – Vanguard’s article on ‘Market Perspective”.
[10:00] Tech valuations, value stocks, and the case for diversification.
[14:00] Predicting Market Downturns – Why is timing the market a risky strategy?
[18:00] Growth vs. Value – Understanding PE ratios.
[22:20] Market Uncertainty – Why market valuations matter for long-term planning, not short-term worries.
Market perspectives